Thursday, February 26, 2015

Words for the coming generations....

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Time for something new.....?

Check, check, are you really there?  Is there others like me who can't seem to overcome themselves and spend more time hiding in the forgetfulness of escape rather than run gloriously on those green fields that look so appealing from afar, yet the closer the get, the more the bright light hurts my eyes.

Ah bugger.

As I  wrote on Facebook: 

Well, aint this some straight up fuckery for a few of you out there. I'm not on food stamps though it would help out so much, I mean energy drinks that I consume faster than most people breath air don't buy themselves, but I know more people who can't afford to not have the SNAPs benefits than I do those without. And from taking a poll on just the people I know, far more of them ON the benefits work twice as hard and are twice as devoted to trying to live a normal life than those who aren't on and ridicule everyone else who isn't as fortunate. Usually, those who pick on the less fortunate are also those who tend the be the most spoiled and lazy about their place in life.
If jobs were more available, this wouldn't be as bad of an issue. Hell, if people looked past shallow headlines and actually asked what it really means to not have steady livable income, then I want to believe that more people would willingly get involved in proactive community-based functions that assist others.
But most people don't and honestly, they can't be blamed. There's already enough shit in most people's lives that more than rob them of all their precious hours so it's unfair to condemn anyone for not willingly pursue finding more problems to solve without life-altering motivation.
I just wonder......who amongst the problem solvers out there are willing to try to solve some of the bigger problems that happen to "other people" before they themselves become those "other people." I'm sure if you were on the other side of the fence, you'd look for the heroes that you yourself could already be."
-with link to Food Stamp Article

It's here I go out of my way to attempt to be short and brief, but fail horribly.  I want so much to just touch people in that spot that makes them stop and self-reflect.... but that really is no easy task.  Most people, especially on Facebook, are engaged in interweb connections to avoid self-reflecting moments.  I know, this is a horribly biased statement, but I feel it is resoundingly on point with why people dive into the web: to lose themselves from the reality around them.  In a way, we can build up a different mental model of how the world is when we take on information from whatever page it is that we're engaged in and that different mental model gives us different tasks and threats and burdens and rewards, it in effect makes us feel like a different person altogether.  And it's usually from here that most people grow some attachment to whatever new mental image of themselves they feel and try and wear that as a mask throughout the day.  The more reality around them doesn't conform to that mask, the more they will escape from reality into whatever catalystic-medium helped them compose the mask.
But to go back to the point of the foodstamps, I did have an idea for a way to assist those who are homeless.  I don't really know the merits of whether it would function successfully or not, as I still haven't found a proper way to distinguish whether a person will ultimately choose to be contributing in a positive way or be a selfish threat to others.  Should it work though, it would be pretty bloody neat.
My idea is that if I ever come upon a million dollars (or whatever absurd amount is necessary to make things like this happen) then I would purchase an entire apartment complex, preferably one that isn't already occupied and I would completely renovate it to install the following:
     - Solar panels for power
     - Gardens of edible fauna all throughout
     - A recycling system as seen in .... actually, just about anything from THIS
Ok, so now that the whole complex is an almost self-sustaining creation, I would then try and fill the place with the homeless BUT only if they meet a certain criteria.  They would have to assist in maintaining the garden and the upkeep of the complex or even just be a cook, handyman, janitor, whatever for the complex, each person assigned to roles designated by a rotation system that allowed those who wanted more specialty on any given task to take more days of involvement but would also mandate that everyone do at least something.  They would have to actively be attending some form of schooling, even if it's just something like Coursera, or similar.  They don't have to be taking full time college classes, but there must be some form of schooling happening and the incentive to do well at this schooling is that if they don't push themselves to learn more, then they can not stay at this complex.  And lastly, everyone must know everyone else.  There will be bi-weekly gatherings where everyone in the complex can come together and be directed to suggest ideas for either employment or entrepreneurial investments that they can work together to create.  Not everyone has to succeed, but everyone has to attend and has to take a moment to express an idea on something.  This keeps everyone familiar with each other enough to hopefully avoid any issues with gang formations or general deception amongst each other.  This would also allow people who are feeling hopeless and directionless on the streets to be off the streets and with goals and direction.  If I could also slip in one of Edward Leedskalnin's devices, then we could effectively be completely off the grid and I would have my own little commune.
I'm getting tired and sleep is calling me.
I've thought this out enough to assume that if the city or the state came after the complex due to the lack of utility usage, using the media and showcasing "Big Utility Company Tries to Shut Down Homeless Shelter" might actually spread this idea out to where others attempt it too.  Especially if it succeeds in creating new jobs for those who initially started out homeless and penniless.  The fact that this complex is benefiting both those who inhabit it (with shelter, communion, a new life, a purpose) and the very city they came from (less homeless people on the streets, more jobs being created, more people actively pursuing solving problems instead of pursuing making new ones) should be enough of a public sway to gain a momentous following and public sympathy against big business.  But then again, there is too much money in making sure people stay miserable so I do fear that if this ever was pulled off, there would be those who would go out of their way to try and destroy it or discredit it or worse, turn it into a horrible fiasco of unfortunate fuckery.
Maybe I should write a proposal about this and if ever I get the income to even start the seed of this, push for it and see what happens.  No Bob, scratch the "maybe" and just go ahead and put it on your bucket list as something you will at least help influence into existence before you die.  That's a better way of looking at it.
Well, before I sign off for now, I must address to myself the things that must be done sooner than later:
- P601
- spend more time w/ Nadia (cuz holy fuck was she looking smexy when I saw her, but I'm pretty sure she did that on purpose, and dammit it worked)
- Lucid Life
- TV show
- 50 Shades of Neon
- write your stories
- make your comic
- learn to let go of the anxiety and say "fuck it" again like you used to
- remember how to let go and just be

Til the next round.