Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The First Day of Rain in Hawaii

Ah, school.  How I do miss you. . .

-The First Day of Rain in Hawaii-

We had been on Maui for almost a week now, settling in to the alien beauty that we were constantly surrounded by.   Coming from the city life to such a magically splendourous place was a shock in itself, as the whole of the island seemed to breath in a way that no city scape ever did.  Where my eyes were used to the static fixtures of ups and downs and windowed walk ways where cars zipped past to an angry drum, now everywhere I looked was the constant wind breezed sway of foliage and life, breathing its subtle whisper of "welcome."
As had been our routine since day 2, we were out exploring the island, taking in the sites of what we would soon call Home.  Only this day, instead of the path towards town that we were quickly getting familiar with, we decided to see what the other path would lead us to.
In what felt like an hour sped by the blink of a sigh, we came through the denser foliage and were greeted with the sight of water.  The road was on the side of a cliff and the rocky crags below were drummed violently by crashing waves of the sea.  I'd never seen anything like this before and was in awe for a minute, until my instincts kicked in.
Then, true to my nature, to celebrate this new discovery, I ran to the edge of the cliff and proceeded to unzip myself.  I heard her say something behind me but was too enamoured by what I was about to do to catch what was said and stairing off at the horizon, I relieved myself unto the ocean from a fifty foot drop in Maui.  There was something definitely surreal about the whole experience of knowing that I was peeing where I was but the moment was quickly shattered.
She began to scream from behind me and I tucked and turned, running to her side, "What happened?!" I asked frantic, looking her up and down for any bite wound or the such.
"You peed on me!" she spat back.
"Wait! What?" 
It had never occurred to me that the sea breeze hitting the cliff had taken my pee from it's course and thrown it up and over me to rain down on the love of my life.  What I didn't know then is that this very lesson would continue to spell the doom of what was supposed to be a fresh new life in the Island of Paradise, Maui.
"I'm so sorry," I told her for the first of many, many times to come.

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